Las Aguas Risas

Ownership/Management: Michael Dance & Terry Chretien

Veganic Permaculture Fruit Forest Intentional Community and Forest Reserve

Our goal is to protect and nurture Pachamama with minimal invasive impact. We are transforming degraded pastureland, restoring native forest and productive fruit forest.

The property is 100 hectares (approximately 250 acres), with many springs, streams and waterfalls, roughly 40% forest, 10% homestead and cultivated or ready to cultivate, and 50% pasture.

Our primary reason for buying this property is to REFOREST the pasture land (approximately 50 hectares) with native species and fruit trees, creating more attractive habitat for wildlife and a food forest for the humans living here.

Our secondary reason for buying a large property is to have a vegan community. A safe place for vegans to live either full or part-time. We would like to co-create a community of committed, mature vegans with no dependent human children who want to live a sustainable lifestyle enjoying peaceful activities in tune with the natural environment.

We are seeking volunteers and community members to share the beauty with us.

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